Low Carbon Timber Alliance

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The "Low Carbon Timber" Alliance

The Low Carbon Timber Alliance is an alliance of actors who have set themselves the goal of contributing to climate protection by implementing and promoting the Low Carbon Timber Toolkit developed in the CaSCo project.

Here you will find the policy document of the Low Carbon Timber Alliance and the previous signatories.

Policy statement


The Alliance would like to expressly encourage other actors from the timber sector and in the municipal sector to join the Alliance.

Partners in the CaSCo project

Here you will find an overview of the partners in the Interreg V project "CaSCo - Carbon Smart communities".


  • Holz von Hier gGmbH; Neuenreuth 24, 95473 Creußen; www.holz-von-hier.eu
  • Klimabündnis; Galvanistr. 28, 60486 Frankfurt am Main; www.climatealliance.org


  • AURA-EE - Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes Energie et Environnement; 18 rue Gabriel Péri - 69100 VILLEURBANNE; www.auvergnerhonealpes-ee.fr


  • Environment Park S.p.A.; Via Livorno, 60 - 10144 Torino - Italia; www.envipark.com
  • Unione Montana dei Comuni della Valsesia, Corso Roma, 35 – 13019 Varallo (VC); www.unionemontanavalsesia.it
  • ARPA Piemonte - S.S. Sistema Informativo Ambientale e Geografico, Comunicazione e Educazione ambientale; Via Pio VII, 9 10135 TORINO; www.arpa.piemonte.it


  • Regionalentwicklung Vorarlberg eGen; Hof 19, A-6861 Alberschwende
  • LAG Kraftspendedörfer Joglland; A - 8192 Strallegg 100


  • Business support center Kranj; Cesta Staneta Žagarja 37, 4000 Kranj, Slovenija; www.bsc-kranj.si
  • Development agency Sinergija; Kranjčeva 3, 9226 Moravske Toplice; www.ra-sinergija.si
  • E-Institute, Institute for Comprehensive Development Solutions; Čučkova ul. 5, 2250 Ptuj, Slovenija; www.ezavod.si