Translations: FAQ/19/en

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It is not always easy to prove that products have been produced in closed regional processing chains with short transport distances. Here there are isolated regional initiatives or regional labels that document the short distances. However, this type of label is hardly ever used for procurement procedures and in the context of tenders. In addition, geographically defined regional initiatives often have the problem that certain wood products are not available due to the lack of corresponding companies in the respective region. In this case, it is therefore possible that corresponding labelled products are not available. This is different with regard to the use of the Hier Hier timber certificate. On the one hand, Holz von Hier (Low Carbon Timber) is not geographically defined and bound to certain borders but functions across borders. Marked products should be available everywhere. For this reason, the criteria are set differently depending on the assortment, according to the motto "as close as possible, but as far as necessary to be able to get a product labelled".