Translations: Objekt - Kindergarten Himmelkron - DE/5/en

Da Smart Places Network.
Principal community of Himmelkron Kindergarten Himmelkron.jpg
Carbon Savings A total of 12 m³ of KVH and 3 m³ of listed timber were used, each of which has accumulated a transport backpack from the forest of 100 km. CO2 savings by using wood certified according to Here instead of other origins: (a) federal average: 420 kg; (b) construction timber spruce from Scandinavia & oak from France: 620 kg; (c) construction timber spruce from Siberia & oak from USA: 3,600 kg. a - c represent different scenarios in case of either unknown anonymous origin of the timber (a) or origin from main importing countries for the assortments (b/c).
Energy planning
year of finalisation 2009
Construction costs € brutto
Project description
Construction process
Further Information
Proof of regionality Holz von Hier certificate

type of building
