Alpine dream house: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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{{Best practice objekte
{{Best practice examples englisch
|Bauherr=Aleš Klemenšek
|Bauherr=Aleš Klemenšek
|Adresse=Logarska dolina 27, 3335 Solčava
|Adresse=Logarska dolina 27, 3335 Solčava
|Jahr der Fertigstellung=2015
|Jahr der Fertigstellung=2015
|Baukosten € brutto=250.000
|Baukosten € brutto=250.000
|Heizungsart=lesni sekanci, biomasa 75 kwh kotel
|Heizungsart=wood chips, biomass 75 kwh boiler
|Technische Daten andere Objekte=Skelet hiše in tudi vsa notranja oprema je lesena.
|Technische Daten andere Objekte=The skeleton of the house and also all the interior equipment is wooden.
|Projektbeschreibung=Hišo alpske sanje so postavili za namene petičnega turizma. Na posestvo namreč prihajajo predvsem prestižni gostje, ki se zavedajo kakovosti bivanja v leseni hiši in to zelo cenijo. Hišo je v celoti naredil lastnik. Hiša alpske sanje stoji na posestvu Ložekar v Logarski dolini. Kmetija je velika 100 ha, ki se raztezajo od 800 pa vse do 1500 m nadmorske višine. Brunarica iz mesečevega lesa je za ljudi, ki vedo ali pa želijo izkusiti, kaj pomeni bivati v takšnem okolju. Superior Hiša Alpske sanje je le nekaj korakov oddaljena od kmetije, a njena lega nudi nepozabno intimo. Lesena hiša je v celoti opremljena z lesenim pohištvom in notranjo opremo, les je bil posekan v domačem gozdu (v lastni lastnika gozda). Sam je tudi naredil notranje pohištvo in zunanje vrtno pohištvo. V pritličju je velik bivalni prostor z jedilnico, kaminom in TV-jem. Prostor je povezan s kuhinjo, ki se po opremi ne razlikuje od njenih mestnih sorodnic (indukcijska plošča, pečica, hladilnik, zamrzovalnik, mikrovalovna pečica, rezalni stroj, multipraktik, pomivalni stroj, shramba).
|Projektbeschreibung=The Alpine Dream House was erected for the purposes of petit tourism. Namely, prestigious guests come to the estate, who are aware of the quality of living in a wooden house and appreciate it very much. The house was made entirely by the owner. The Alpine Dream House stands on the Ložekar estate in the Logarska Valley. The farm is 100 ha in size, stretching from 800 up to 1500 m above sea level. A log cabin made of lunar wood is for people who know or want to experience what it means to live in such an environment. The Superior House of the Alpine Dream is only a few steps away from the farm, but its location offers unforgettable intimacy. The wooden house is fully equipped with wooden furniture and interior decoration, the wood was cut down in the home forest (in the forest owner's own). He also made indoor furniture and outdoor garden furniture himself. On the ground floor is a large living room with dining area, fireplace and TV. The space is connected to the kitchen, which does not differ in equipment from its urban relatives (induction hob, oven, refrigerator, freezer, microwave, cutting machine, multipractice, dishwasher, pantry).  
|Baustoff Holz=Les za izgradnjo hiše je bil v celoti posekan v lastnikovem gozdu (v lasti ima 80 ha gozda). Opis Aleša Klemenška: „Z Lojzetom Lipnikom (revirni gozdar) sva na 1350 metrih ‘zacahnala‘ drevesa za to kočo in potem sva čakala na pravo luno, na pravi datum, ko so padla. Sto kubikov hlodov smo odpeljali na žago v Nazarje, kjer so jih strojno olupili in potem smo dobro leto čakali, da se je mesečev les posušil, se razelektril, se umiril in šele takrat je bil pripravljen, da ga obžagamo. V Nazarjah smo hišo sestavili, označili posamezne dele, jo razstavili, pripeljali sem gor in jo spet dali skupaj. Potem pa sem jo spet pustil dobrega tri četrt leta čisto na miru, da se uravnovesi, najde svoj položaj. Les je živa stvar, treba mu je dati čas - naredi enkrat silo naravi, pa te bo petkrat klofnila nazaj.
|Baustoff Holz=The wood to build the house was cut entirely in the owner’s forest (he owns 80 hectares of forest). Description of Aleš Klemenšek: “Lojze Lipnik (district forester) and I‘ 1350 meters ’‘ sniffed ’the trees for this hut and then we waited for the right moon, for the right date when they fell. We took a hundred cubic meters of logs to a sawmill in Nazarje, where they were machine peeled and then we waited for a good year for the moon wood to dry, discharge, calm down and only then was it ready to be sawn. In Nazarje we assembled the house, marked the individual parts, dismantled it, brought it up here and put it together again. Then again, I left her alone for a good three-quarters of a year to balance herself, to find her position. Wood is a living thing, it needs to be given time - it makes a force to nature once, and it will slap you back five times.  
|Planungsprozess=Izgradnja hiše je potekala v lastni režiji. Za izgradnjo so se prijavili na javni razpis in hiša je bila tudi delno sofinancirana.
|Planungsprozess=The construction of the house took place under his own direction. They applied for a public tender for the construction and the house was also partially co-financed.  
|Bauabwicklung=Gradnja hiše je potekala v lastni režiji, nadzor gradnje je izvajal gradbeni nadzornik.
|Informationen zur Regionalität=spruce, about 100 m3 of round wood of the mountain Solčava spruce (specialty: it is cut down on the moon's moons, the sawn wood then lies for one year). Origin of wood: home forest
|Informationen zur Regionalität=smreka,okrog 100 m3 okroglega lesa gorske solčavske smreke (posebnost: posekana je po luninih menah, razžagan les nato leži eno leto). Izvor lesa: domač gozd

Aktuelle Version vom 19. Dezember 2020, 13:20 Uhr

Standort Slovenien 3335 Solčava Koordinaten 46° 24' 8", 14° 40' 49"




Principal Aleš Klemenšek
Address Logarska dolina 27, 3335 Solčava
Energy planning
year fo finalisation 2015
Construction costs € brutto 250.000
Base area[m²]
Useful area[m²]
Cubage [m³]
Heating demand [kWh/(m²BGFa]
Heatingsystem wood chips, biomass 75 kwh boiler
Technical data other object types The skeleton of the house and also all the interior equipment is wooden.
Project description The Alpine Dream House was erected for the purposes of petit tourism. Namely, prestigious guests come to the estate, who are aware of the quality of living in a wooden house and appreciate it very much. The house was made entirely by the owner. The Alpine Dream House stands on the Ložekar estate in the Logarska Valley. The farm is 100 ha in size, stretching from 800 up to 1500 m above sea level. A log cabin made of lunar wood is for people who know or want to experience what it means to live in such an environment. The Superior House of the Alpine Dream is only a few steps away from the farm, but its location offers unforgettable intimacy. The wooden house is fully equipped with wooden furniture and interior decoration, the wood was cut down in the home forest (in the forest owner's own). He also made indoor furniture and outdoor garden furniture himself. On the ground floor is a large living room with dining area, fireplace and TV. The space is connected to the kitchen, which does not differ in equipment from its urban relatives (induction hob, oven, refrigerator, freezer, microwave, cutting machine, multipractice, dishwasher, pantry).
Construction material timber The wood to build the house was cut entirely in the owner’s forest (he owns 80 hectares of forest). Description of Aleš Klemenšek: “Lojze Lipnik (district forester) and I‘ 1350 meters ’‘ sniffed ’the trees for this hut and then we waited for the right moon, for the right date when they fell. We took a hundred cubic meters of logs to a sawmill in Nazarje, where they were machine peeled and then we waited for a good year for the moon wood to dry, discharge, calm down and only then was it ready to be sawn. In Nazarje we assembled the house, marked the individual parts, dismantled it, brought it up here and put it together again. Then again, I left her alone for a good three-quarters of a year to balance herself, to find her position. Wood is a living thing, it needs to be given time - it makes a force to nature once, and it will slap you back five times.
Planning The construction of the house took place under his own direction. They applied for a public tender for the construction and the house was also partially co-financed.
Construction processing
Information on regionality spruce, about 100 m3 of round wood of the mountain Solčava spruce (specialty: it is cut down on the moon's moons, the sawn wood then lies for one year). Origin of wood: home forest
Further information