Differenze tra le versioni di "Translations: Smart Places Scouts/1/en"

Da Smart Places Network.
Riga 1: Riga 1:
==Smart Place Scout of the alps==  
==Smart Place Scouts of the Alps==  
[[Datei:WEB_Wanderer_schützt_die_Alpen_HVH.jpg|330px|thumb|right|Smart View (Foto: HOLZ VON HIER)]]
[[Datei:WEB_Wanderer_schützt_die_Alpen_HVH.jpg|330px|thumb|right|Smart View (Foto: HOLZ VON HIER)]]

Versione attuale delle 03:32, 1 dic 2020

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Definizione del messaggio (Smart Places Scouts)
==Smart Place Scout der Alpenregion== 
[[Datei:WEB_Wanderer_schützt_die_Alpen_HVH.jpg|330px|thumb|right|Smart View (Foto: HOLZ VON HIER)]]
Traduzione==Smart Place Scouts of the Alps== 
[[Datei:WEB_Wanderer_schützt_die_Alpen_HVH.jpg|330px|thumb|right|Smart View (Foto: HOLZ VON HIER)]]

Smart Place Scouts of the Alps

Smart View (Foto: HOLZ VON HIER)