E-zavod Ptuj

Aus Smart Places Network
Version vom 10. April 2020, 15:33 Uhr von Strohmeier (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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Standort 2250 Ptuj, Čučkova ulica 5 Koordinaten 46° 25' 4", 15° 52' 29"

Title E-zavod Ptuj
Category Organisation
Adress 2250 Ptuj, Čučkova ulica 5
Web http://www.ezavod.si
Geolocation 46.417852;15.874808
Description E-zavod Ptuj is a private institut dealing with EU projects. It is situated in a business building where there are 7 companies, 2 shops, 2 cafe bars and a fitness studio. It is located on a frequent site, which is daily covered by a large number of people.
Relation to Low Carbon Timber CaSCO Project partner E-zavod Ptuj
Other Ptuj is small Slovene city with 18.000 inhabitants. It has lots of SMEs and also some wood production companies.