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Product sample case
The product profiles show you more about the most important wood construction product groups in comparison with other construction product groups. This can serve as basic information for the use of wood in your buildings. product profiles

Find Low Carbon Timber products in the Alps purchasing options.

There is wood in every private house, even if it is only in the roof truss. For climate and region it should always be wood of short distances (Foto: HOLZ VON HIER)
Object database in the Alpine region
The Alpenraum property database shows properties and buildings that have been awarded the new innovative price Alpine Space Regional Timber Award

Awarded objects can be found directly here: Standort Objekte Award

Even in multi-storey timber construction, wood from short distances can come to the ice. Building with HVH certificate (Foto: HOLZ VON HIER)
Environmental label
Environmental label are of central importance to the EU for sustainable construction, purchasing and procurement. Product diversity is becoming more and more extensive and production chains increasingly global and confusing. Their use is recommended by the EU. Here you can find a comparison of the most important environmental labels label comparison . More information under label profiles.
Nature is more than the sum of its parts. Sustainability aspects are also manifold (Foto: HOLZ VON HIER)
Sustainable building certification
In the report below you will find information on the most important building evaluation systems and a comparison of the statements and criteria.

Bericht öffnen: Sustainable building certification.ogg

All buildings serve a purpose, here and in nature, but sustainable construction can only be built with nature and not against it. (Foto: HOLZ VON HIER)
HOLZ VON HIER short info

HOLZ VON HIER : (1) environmental label, (2) non profit initiative (3) open network of companies that manufacture, trade and install products made of wood that is demonstrably climate-friendly and environmentally friendly.

Flyer which HOLZ VON HIER provides in several languages for customers, companies, planners and local authorities can be found here: Flyer HOLZ VON HIER.

Kundenflyer-HvH-DE.ogg (DE). PLANER-Flyer-HvH-DE.ogg (DE). Flyer-Betriebe-HvH-DE.ogg.

Contact points im Alpine Space siehe Kontakte

Learn more about HOLZ VON HIER and its tools (Foto: HOLZ VON HIER)
HOLZ VON HIER addresses planners, local authorities, companies, customers and the general public. We provide you with comprehensive information material and tools. Why not take a look at our website.

more Info you find here

HOLZ VON HIER für Kunden

HOLZ VON HIER für Planer HOLZ VON HIER für Kommunen (im Aufbau)

HOLZ VON HIER für Betriebe

HOLZ VON HIER für Waldbesitzer

discover HOLZ VON HIER (LOW Carbon Timber) (Foto: HOLZ VON HIER)
CO2 comparisons
CO2 comparisons for the most important wood building material groups make it clear how important products made of wood of short distances are for climate protection.

Country-specific CO2 saving potentials for Germany, Austria, Italy, Slovenia and France show that the climate impact would be enormous if wood of short distances were consistently implemented.

CO2 comparisons

Many trees react sensitively to climate change, here a lime blossom (Foto: HOLZ VON HIER)
Basis Help Desk
Im Basis Helpdesk for planners and municipalities you will find the following information:

Report Construction or Renovation.ogg

Legal opinions, judgements, regulations

best practice examples


Checkliste Einsatzbereiche Holzprodukte

Building with wood from the Alps in the Alps is the pinnacle of sustainability, but look for evidence of wood of short distances. Picture Mont Blanc summit (Foto: HOLZ VON HIER)
CaSCo trainings
Information on training in the Alpine Space about the CaSCo (Carbon Smart Communities) project in the European Interreg programme in the Alpine Space can be found on the platform CaSCo ( Partners from Italy (lead), Germany, Austria, France and Slovenia have developed basic training packages for planners in the field of timber construction in their regions, partly supplemented by country-specific programmes.
Logo des EU Projektes CaSCo (Foto: HOLZ VON HIER)
ECO Planer
In the German-speaking area, further training events are offered together with planner organisations. Find out more under ECO Planer.
Demonstrably domestic wood the short way arrives at the customers. ECO Planer training courses not only give you further training points, but also advantages for the customer. (Foto: HOLZ VON HIER)
Planners nework in the Alps
Here you will find planners in the Alpine region who have experience with wooden buildings.

open Karte Planer Alpenraum

In planning, more can be done with climate-friendly wood of short distances than one might think. Picture elevator shaft made of wood for a building in which all constructive structures were awarded an HVH certificate (Foto: HOLZ VON HIER)
Climate friendly Communities in the Alpine region
Here you will find municipalities in the Alpine region that are committed to climate protection and their region through timber constructions of short distances.

Karte Klima Kommunen Alpenraum öffnen

Low Carbon Timber - Tendering climate-friendly wood from short distances means supporting your own region (Foto: HOLZ VON HIER)
Purchasing options
Here you will find woodworking and wood processing companies in the Alpine region that also offer wood products with HOLZ VON HIER certification and/or regional label: purchasing options.

Domestic companies in the timber industry are innovative and environmentally conscious. The technical values of their products are usually much better than legally required, which is good for the environment and the customers' wallets during the use phase. Picture: television at a wooden window manufacturer who has switched its production from the typical EU window wood Meranti (tropical wood) to HOLZ VON HIER (Foto: HOLZ VON HIER)
Forest owners
Here you will find addresses of relevant forestry organisations in the Alpine region.

Karte Waldbesitzer Alpenraum öffnen

Der Wald in unseren Regionen ist so vielfältig wie seine Besitzer. Vom Staatsforst, über Kommunen mit Waldbesitz bis hin zu großen und kleinen Waldbesitzern sind alle Größenordnungen an Waldbesitz vertreten. Und der Wald in Europa ist vielfältiger und noch artenreicher als man denkt. Bild: geschützter Frauenschuh im Wald eines Privatwaldbesiters, der diesen wachsen lässt ohne, dass sein Wald ein Naturschutzgebiet ist, einfach aus Freude (bravo!) (Foto: HOLZ VON HIER)