Translations: FAQ/3/en

Aus Smart Places Network
Version vom 22. Mai 2020, 04:01 Uhr von Strohmeier (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „In principle, of course, each specific requirement in a tender limits the possible group of bidders (e.g. the procurement of electric cars, green electricity o…“)
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In principle, of course, each specific requirement in a tender limits the possible group of bidders (e.g. the procurement of electric cars, green electricity or Blue Angel colours etc.). The decisive question is whether the limitation is justified and to what extent it is sufficient. Under European law and policy, a limitation of competition is permissible for important reasons, but this limitation must not be the actual purpose. Such important reasons are - especially since the amendment of public procurement law - environmental protection. Here, climate protection is particularly important as one of the central environmental policy objectives of the European Union. The tendering of short distances, e.g. with reference to the eco-label Holz von Hier (Low Carbon Timber), does not per se represent a restriction of competition. It merely specifies the requirements for the material to be used. The certification of products is open to any bidder who complies with the criteria. Holz von Hier is also not a national limitation of the circle of bidders, as in case of doubt wood from the neighbouring country is more climate-friendly than wood from further away parts of the own country.