Translations: FAQ/5/en

Aus Smart Places Network
Version vom 22. Mai 2020, 04:01 Uhr von Strohmeier (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „A limitation of transports with reference to climate protection is not permissible or feasible in principle and in every tender. An important prerequisite is t…“)
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A limitation of transports with reference to climate protection is not permissible or feasible in principle and in every tender. An important prerequisite is the reference to the procurement object. If this is not the case, it may be suspected that the limitation merely aims to limit the group of bidders to local companies. An important question here is the significance of transport for the actual environmental balance of the product or service. For example, when purchasing vehicles or electrical appliances, it is not possible to justify limiting the supplier's transport routes for reasons of climate protection. There is therefore also no comprehensible connection to the procurement object. The situation is completely different, especially in the case of wood products.