Translations: FAQ/6/en

Aus Smart Places Network
Version vom 22. Mai 2020, 04:02 Uhr von Strohmeier (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „When using wood, a central motivation and justification is the contribution to climate protection due to the CO2 storage effect of wood. It is therefore an abs…“)
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When using wood, a central motivation and justification is the contribution to climate protection due to the CO2 storage effect of wood. It is therefore an absolutely consistent logic to also consider the entire life cycle of wood when using it. Since wood products are inert in the user phase and do not consume any energy or resources, the manufacture of the products plays the absolutely dominant role. Here again, transport distances (unless they are particularly short along the entire processing chain) have the lion's share. They are therefore the main influencing factor and lever to reduce the CO2 emissions associated with production. The limitation of transport distances, on which the criteria of the Ecolabel Holz von Hier (Low Carbon Timber) are based, is ecologically justified, as they are below the average transport distances for the products concerned. Thus, the transport limitations represent the simplest indicator and control mechanism, which is also comparatively easy to control and prove.