Maribor City

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Standort 2000 Maribor, Ulica herija Staneta 1 Koordinaten 46° 33' 45", 15° 38' 59"

Title City municipality of Maribor
Category Körperschaft
Adress 2000 Maribor, Ulica herija Staneta 1
Geolocation 46.562540;15.649780
Description Maribor is the second largest city in Slovenia. Municipality of Maribor is also the capital of Podravje region. City has long industrial tradition. Along the city rises hill of Pohorje, which is covered with wood.
Relation to Low Carbon Timber "Municipality is supporting CaSCo project they win the CaSCo Alpine Space Regional Timber Award for the Urban bench and trash info-basket with integrated training board on the breakdown of individual garbage. "