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Qui troverete gli indirizzi delle organizzazioni regionali che si occupano di FORESTA, LEGNO e CLIMA.

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DE Forest Bayerischer Waldbesitzerverband e.V. 80333 München Max-Joseph-Straße 7 - Interest assocciation of over 160.000 forest owners from Bavaria region with more than 100 years of tradition which supports owners in the sustainable management of forest in their multifunctionality .
DE Forest Forstkammer Baden-Württemberg Waldbesitzerverband e.V. 70178 Stuttgart Tübinger Str. 15 - Interest assocciation of over 240.000 forest owners from Baden-Württemberg region which offers expert support to owners in the sustainable management of their forests.
DE Timber Holz von Hier 95473 creußen Neuenreuth 24 Gabriele Bruckner international network of actors of forest and timber sector to shorten processing chains and protect cimate.
DE Climate Climate Alliance e.V. 60486 Frankfurt a. Main Galvanistr. 28 Andreas Kress a.kress(at) For 30 years, Climate Alliance member municipalities have been acting in partnership with indigenous rainforest peoples for the benefit of the global climate. With over 1,800 members spread across 26 European countries, Climate Alliance is the world’s largest city network dedicated to climate action and the only one to set tangible targets. Recognising the impact our lifestyles can have on the world's most vulnerable people and places, Climate Alliance pairs local action with global responsibility.
AT Forest Forstverwaltung des Landes Vorarlberg 6901 Landhaus, Bregenz Römerstraße 15 Andreas Ammann Expert department for Forests witin Vorarlberg regional government.
AT Timber Vorarlbergholz 6713 Ludesch Raiffeisenstraße 54 Erich Reiner Vorarlbergholz is an association of companies, which advocates for the use of regional timber. The stated goal of the association is to strengthen the wood value chain at the regional level..
IT Forest Regione Piemonte - Settore Foreste 10128 Torino Corso Stati Uniti, 21 Elena Fila Mauro Public authority for forests in regional government of Piedmont region.
IT Forest Federazione Italiana delle Comunità Forestali (Rappresentanza Territoriale del Nord Ovest (including Region of Piedmont) 00187 Roma Via XXIV Maggio n. 43 Giovanni Maiandi Regional branch of Italian Federation of Forest Communities for North West (including Regions of Piedmont, Liguria, Aosta Valley) .
IT Timber L'Istituto per le Piante da Legno e l'Ambiente 10132 Torino Corso Casale, 476 - The Institute for wooden Plants and the Environment (IPLA), is a joint-stock company with public capital, which, vis-à-vis by Piedmont Region, Autonomous Region of Valle d'Aosta and the Municipality of Turin, which plays the role of technical support structure for the development of innovative actions, for the support of forestry-environmental policies and in the field of energy resources.
IT climate L’Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione Ambientale del Piemonte (ARPA Piemonte) 10135 Torino via Pio VII, 9 - ARPA is a public agency for Piemonte region which carries out the activities of control, support and technical-scientific consultancy and other activities useful to the Region, local authorities, and the Piedmont health authorities in the field of environmental protection, prediction and prevention of natural and anthropogenic risks, activities of health interest, and environmental information. It has around 1000 employees.
IT other CIPRA Italia 10128 Torino Via Pastrengo, 13 - CIPRA Italia as independent entity part of international organisation CIPRA International, a internationa NGO with branches in all Alpine countries, wich tries to support and promote sustainable development in Alps.
SL Forest Zavod za gozdove Slovenije 1001 Ljubljana Večna pot 2 Gregor Danev SFS is a main public expert institution for sustainable management of all forests in Slovenia for which it provides guidelines and expert assistance. It is divided into 14 regional units.
SL Forest Zveza lastnikov gozdov Slovenije 1000 Ljubljana Gospodinjska ulica 6 Miha Koprivnikar Slovene Union of private forest owners connects private forest owners who are members of 29 assocciations of owners across Slovenia. It acts as representative of interests of forest owners and promotor of sustainable, mutifunctional and co-natural management of Slovene forests.
SL Timber Direktorat za lesarstvo (Ministrstvo za gospodarski razvoj in tehnologijo) 1000 Ljubljana Kotnikova 5 Alenka Dolinar Wood Industry Directorate within Slovene ministry for Economic Development and Technology is main national authority supporting development of timber sector in Slovenia.
SL Timber Lesarski grozd 1000 Ljubljana Dimičeva 13 Bernard Likar Wood Industry Cluster is a non-profit organization founded with wood-processing companies and expert institutions as partners, who comprise a third of employees in forestry and wood-processing industry and the most important research institutions in Slovenia. The common goal of it's activities is to strengthen the competitiveness of the cluster members.
SL Climate Umanotera, Fondacija za trajnostni razvoj 1000 Ljubljana Trubarjeva 50 Renata Karba Umanotera, Slovene fundation for sustainabe deveopment is NGO working on practical development and implementation of a vision of sustainable development. It is a initiator of the necessary changes and a beacon of sustainable practices, and promotes the transfer of the principles of sustainable development into a way of life..
SL Other Center za trajnostni razvoj podeželja Kranj 4000 Kranj Cankarjeva 3 Uroš Brankovič Center is a private development institute supporting sustinable development of rural areas in Gorenjska region. Sustainable forest management and production and consumption of timber products within regional low carbon forest-timber chain is one of very key sectors of Center's work..
FR Forest Fibois Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes - Foret 69364 Lyon cedex 07 Agrapole - 23, rue Jean Baldassini Samuel Resche Fibois AuRA – Department for Forest is resposnibe for deveopment of forestry sector in Rhône-Alpes region by defining forest po Fibois AuRA – Department for Forest is resposnibe for deveopment of forestry sector in Rhône-Alpes region by defining forest poicy in the region, coordinating the action of all actors and making the link with the national. It supports one on innovation and business development (organization, training, etc.).icy in the region, coordinating the action of all actors and making the link with the national. It supports one on innovation and business development.
FR Timber Fibois Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes - Construction 69364 Lyon cedex 07 Agrapole - 23, rue Jean Baldassini Aurelie-Autissier Fibois AuRA – Department for Construction is resposnibe for deveopment of timber sector in Rhône-Alpes region by defining timber po Fibois AuRA – Department for Forest is resposnibe for deveopment of forestry sector in Rhône-Alpes region by defining forest poicy in the region, coordinating the action of all actors and making the link with the national. It supports one on innovation and business development (organization, training, etc.).icy in the region, coordinating the action of all actors and making the link with the national. It supports one on innovation and business development (organization, training, etc.).
FR Timber Collectif Bois 07 07230 Lablachère Route de Planzolles - Collectif Bois 07 is a cooperative of several French forest and timber companies who wants to establish a sustainable local forest-timber chain which would be ecologicaly and etnicaly sensitive .
FR climate Mundo M Climate Action Network France 93100 Montreuil 47 avenue Pasteur - The Climate action network France

brings together associations involved in the fight against climate change and for an ecological, inclusive and fair transition.

FR Other CIPRA France 38000 Grenoble Maison de la Nature et de l'Environnement de l'Isère 5, Place Bir Hakeim - CIPRA France is part of international organisation CIPRA International, a international NGO.with branches in all Alpine countries, wich tries to support and promote sustainable development in Alps