Translations: Gefährdete Tropenhölzer nein danke/10/en

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|certified timber but potentially also from illegal sources : Wood that is available with ecolabels, but that can also come from unsafe sources || Bankirai (Balau-Yellow, Cumaru (Amburana), Garapa, Guajuviara, Jarra (Karri, Eukalyptus), Jatoba (Brasilian Cherry), Limba (White Afara), Massaranduba (Balata), Padouk (Korallenholz, Brawood, Camwood), Sen (Haragiri, Castor) || Recommendation for reasons of tropical forest protection is also here to be careful when buying. If you buy at all, then look for eco-labels. For reasons of climate protection because of the long transports compared to domestic wood, this is still not recommended. |-