Translations: Objekt Award - Au clair du quartier - FR/5/de

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Bauunternehmer, Zimmerei, Hausbauer: John Sauvajon (38250 Corrençon-en-Vercors, France) and Meandre Oggi (38420 Domene, France)
Schreinerei, Inneneinrichter, Möbelbauer, Bodenleger: John Sauvajon (38250 Corrençon-en-Vercors, France) and Meandre Oggi (38420 Domene, France)
Heizung, Technik, Elektronik, Beleuchtung, sonstige Technik: no information


The planer Mr Golay notes: "Pine, spruce comes from the Alps (massif “Vercors”) and the Larch also from the Alps (region of Briançon). Further he declaired: the transport raes were 590 km for Pine, spruce and 20 km for Larch.