Translations: FAQ/11/en

Aus Smart Places Network
Version vom 22. Mai 2020, 04:04 Uhr von Strohmeier (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „No general statement can be made here. Whether a procurement with the specification according to regional wood or the eco-label Holz von Hier (Low Carbon Timbe…“)
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No general statement can be made here. Whether a procurement with the specification according to regional wood or the eco-label Holz von Hier (Low Carbon Timber) costs more or less is a question of the market relationship between supply and demand at a given location or at a given time and also depends on the respective product used. In general, however, environmentally sound sustainable procurement can be associated with higher costs, as at present external costs of production and resource consumption are generally not yet internalised in prices. Therefore, there should be a basic willingness to bear any such additional costs that may arise.