Translations: Objekt Award - Tree House Celje - SL/4/de

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There is also noted: " Implementation of the building on the height of 6 meters above ground and between 6 trees was a very special situation, so the whole process of constructing was also a very interesting experience: all had been learning, from designers till constructors, from foresters till future house managers. For such unique solution which is so organically integrated into nature not only a special inspiration was needed, but also a very precise consideration about implementation. Each element is unique and not part of usual ‘’retangular structure’’ (je “out of the box”). In the synergy of all that a very interesting creation was born which has become a ‘’trade mark’’ of Celje and Celje urban forest. Apart of wood as a main construction cornerstone of the cottage, a following materials were also used: concrete for basements, steel for joints, sheet metal for covering and glass for windows and solar tube". and furtehr: "Tree house has been during constructing phase and after that supplemented: after it became evident that something very special will come out, also it’s standards, initially “low-tech” have been raised (there is a small kitchen to prepare basic drinks in the house, while public toilet and wetland wastewater treatment plant was designed next to the tree house). There are quotations about the richness of forest and human’s deep connections with forest on the glasses in the building. During the implementation an external scene for events was created which enables to carry out different cultural events (lectures, concerts, school in nature, literary evenings …) just next to the tree house. In doing this, a natural ramp was upgraded with solid (vandalism resisted) wooden benches, to which a wooden stage was added (geometrically ‘’trapped’’ between this new amphitheater and existing forest path".