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HOLZ VON HIER (TIMBER FROM HERE) initiative was set up with the aim of achieving the desired changes in this area and reducing the flow of material in the forestry and timber sector. Several international pioneers in the field of sustainability have already supported the Timber from here initiative as an example of best practice and a contribution to sustainability in the future.

From classic structural timber (picture), to the high-tech product ... Building products made of verifiable wood of short distances are available in every building sector (Photo: HOLZ VON HIER)

The mission of the HOLZ VON HIER initiative is to raise the awareness and create alternative options that strengthen the use of shorter supply chains in creating value added in the timber industry. To this purpose, HOLZ VON HIER provides a communication platform, a community of like-minded people and specific tools for practical use of optimised climate-friendly wood products.

HOLZ VON HIER (Wood from Here) for low carbon wood products (Photo: HOLZ VON HIER)
HOLZ VON HIER = Low Carbon Timber (Photo: HOLZ VON HIER)

One of the instruments of the HOLZ VON HIER initiative is a professional ecological label of the same name HOLZ VON HIER©, which is awarded to climate-friendly products of regional processing chains.

The label serves as proof of origin helps customers identify climate-friendly wood products as the basis for their sustainable decisions. In parallel, products can obtain their environmental footprint that includes the typical environmental impact data based on the product lifecycle analysis referring to a specific product or batch.

Since the HOLZ VON HIER© (Wood from Here) label monitors the transport of wood from its source throughout the processing chain, it is the only ecolabel that marks and evaluates this important factor in the manufacturing phase.

Although the HOLZ VON HIER initiative was originally founded in Germany, it has spread across national borders and promotes its vision to grow into an EU-wide movement for climate and resource protection and regional value added. From this perspective, the initiative is a binding element of the CaSCO partner network and HOLZ VON HIER instruments are an integral part of the CaSCo climate-friendly wood toolkit for planning and government authorities.

Below you can see a sample of HOLZ VON HIER Certificate:

German version of the certificate
Italian version of the certificate

For more information, please go to:





Content: G. Bruckner and P. Strohmeier