Differenze tra le versioni di "Translations: Definition Öko GeoCach/3/en"

Da Smart Places Network.
(Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „EcoGeocaches show us outstanding places or routes in terms of forest, wood, climate, on which all necessary measures are observed so as not to impair nature. T…“)
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Versione attuale delle 07:14, 12 set 2020

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Definizione del messaggio (Definition Öko GeoCach)
ÖkoGeocaches zeigen uns im Sinne von Wald, Holz, Klima herausragende Orte oder Routen, auf denen alle notwendigen Maßnahmen eingehalten werden, um die Natur nicht zu beeinträchtigen. Das Naturerlebnis steht im Vordergrund, nicht eine Schnizeljagd um jeden Preis.
TraduzioneEcoGeocaches show us outstanding places or routes in terms of forest, wood, climate, on which all necessary measures are observed so as not to impair nature. The focus is on the experience of nature, not a schnizel hunt at any price.

EcoGeocaches show us outstanding places or routes in terms of forest, wood, climate, on which all necessary measures are observed so as not to impair nature. The focus is on the experience of nature, not a schnizel hunt at any price.