Translations: Objekt Award - Tree House Celje - SL/6/de

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Version vom 10. April 2019, 18:13 Uhr von FuzzyBot (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Neue Version von externer Quelle importiert)
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Bauunternehmer, Zimmerei, Hausbauer: MBT hiše Co
Schreinerei, Inneneinrichter, Möbelbauer, Bodenleger: not relevant
Heizung, Technik, Elektronik, Beleuchtung, sonstige Technik: not relevant


As supply and processing chain ist noted: "Wood was supplied by district foresters of Celje regional unite of Slovenien forest Service (Robert Hostnik, Boštjan Hren) hoalds and organized processing oft his wood (drying, sawing, etc.)". As transportation over the whole processing chain is noted: "Considering that wood used for tree house was cut down in the same urban forest where house now stands, the transport distances were minimal (drying, sawing, … was done at thesame location)".