Smart Places Scouts
[Verbergen]Smart Place Scouts of the Alps
You care about your region and you want to share its beauty with others? Then you will be wonderful as a Smart Place Scout.
The Smart Places network will work together with many organisations and partners who want to preserve the natural and cultural treasures of our regions in the Alpine Space and who also support the sustainable use of forests.
Anyone and everyone can join in
As a Smart Places Scout you become an important part of this network. We are looking forward to your serious registration, which is deliberately done via an "old-fashioned" contact form, because we want to get to know you and also want to include your contact data in the Smart Places network.
Attention dear kids, of course we are also interested in your view on your region, but you can only register together with your parents (this is for your protection e.g. when uploading pictures).
The Smart Places Network
The Smart Places Network is non-profit oriented and politically, economically and in every way independent. It was created by a handful of actors, see Contacts, who want to show the beauty of their regions, especially with a focus on forests and wood. In doing so, we want to point out their importance for climate and environment as well as our regions.
'Quality before arbitrariness
We want to make a certain qualitative claim to the places that are to be uploaded here. This is another reason why we want to get to know the Smart Places Scouts', in order to build up a Smart Places Community together with time. An anonymous upload of "Aunt Erna's front garden" (however beautiful it may be) cannot be our goal.
'Responsibility instead of thoughtlessness
Together we have to consider exactly which places to show, here two examples to explain:
We will not show places where nature would be endangered by too many visitors because there are no suitable protective measures such as barriers or paths. So, for example, if you have found a population of lady's slipper in a forest or the nest of an owl in a rock face... be happy about the rare sight, report it to your local nature conservation association, but do not register it as a Smart Place (we would also sort it out). Areas that are valuable from a nature conservation point of view and that can guide visitors in their tracks, such as a circular hiking trail along a forest moor or similar, are of course ideal Smart Places.
Also be careful with places that are on private property. This also includes places in a private forest, to or in which there is no publicly accessible path, for insurance and private law reasons this is important.
"We're always learning.
In building the Smart Places network, we all have a lot to learn together. An accompanying advisory board will help decide which basic aspects should be possible on the Smart Places network and which not. Many things are technically feasible, but whether it is sensible and necessary is a completely different question. This is not fixed from the beginning, because we are only learning and waiting to see what suggestions and information will come from you.
What do visitors to the Smart Places gain from?
What visitors of the Smart Places network will have is relatively obvious, here are a few aspects:
+++ Get to know many places as a guest like a local.
+++ Get to know new places in your own region as a local that you had never heard of before.
+++ Learn something about the Alps, forests and wood and climate protection.
+++ Discoveries and adventures made available by all of us in the virtual world, experience them in the wonderful real world.
+++ Being outside with the whole family and doing and seeing something you wouldn't have seen or experienced this way.
+++ Experience things that strengthen the soul and get ideas how to give something back to nature, the climate and the region or become active for it.
+++ Meeting people and thinking beyond borders.
Register as Smart Place Scout
We are looking forward to you !
Yes I want to become a Smart Place Scout - DE: Germany
[Kontaktformular Smart Place Scout-DE]
Yes I want to become a Smart Place Scout - Austria
[Kontaktformular Smart Place Scout-AT]
Sì, voglio diventare uno Smart Place Scout - IT: Italia
[Modulo di contatto Smart Place Scout-IT]
Oui, je veux devenir un éclaireur Smart Place - FR: France
[Formulaire de contact Smart Place Scout-FR]
Da, želim postati pametni skavt - SL: Slovenia