Find Low Carbon Timber products in the Alps purchasing options.
Awarded objects can be found directly here: Standort Objekte Award
Bericht öffnen: Sustainable building certification.ogg
HOLZ VON HIER : (1) environmental label, (2) non profit initiative (3) open network of companies that manufacture, trade and install products made of wood that is demonstrably climate-friendly and environmentally friendly.
Flyer which HOLZ VON HIER provides in several languages for customers, companies, planners and local authorities can be found here: Flyer HOLZ VON HIER.
Kundenflyer-HvH-DE.ogg (DE). PLANER-Flyer-HvH-DE.ogg (DE). Flyer-Betriebe-HvH-DE.ogg.
Contact points im Alpine Space siehe Kontakte
more Info you find here HOLZ VON HIER für Kommunen (im Aufbau)
Country-specific CO2 saving potentials for Germany, Austria, Italy, Slovenia and France show that the climate impact would be enormous if wood of short distances were consistently implemented.
Report Construction or Renovation.ogg

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